Assignment 2 [DD] last date is 3/4/2017
December 2015
1. Give two applications of XML
2. Describe Query processing in Distributed Database **
3. Describe 3 Phase Commit protocol / Algorithm **
4. Explain 2 concurrency control algorithm for Distributed Database **
5. What are the issues of query processing in heterogeneous database
6. Explain Distributed Deadlock Management **
7. Explain Distributed Database Architecture **
May 2015
8. What is Query Optimization? List distributed query processing algorithm and explain any one from that.
9. Describe any two methods for deadlock detection in distributed database
10. Explain time stamp based concurrency control mechanism in DDB **
11. State the purpose of 2 Phase Commit protocol. Explain 2PC in details
May 2016
12. What are the Objectives of Distributed Query Processing.
13. Compare distributed deadlock prevention to distributed deadlock avoidance.
14. Explain any one scheme of Distributed deadlock detection and recovery.
** means asked for 2 times in MU
** means asked for 2 times in MU