Name of Faculty: Prof Ansari Mukhtar 
Academic Year: 2016-17 
Department: CO 
Subject: CSS
Class: BE Semester: VII

EXPERIMENT-1: Write a java program for Implementing a Symmetric key cryptography of Caeser Cipher and Product Cipher algorithm.

EXPERIMENT-2: Write a java program for Implementing a Symmetric key cryptography of Product Cipher algorithm.

EXPERIMENT-3: Study and Implementation of RSA algorithm.
EXPERIMENT-4: Study and Implementation of A5/1 algorithm.

EXPERIMENT-5: To study Blowfish algorithm and write a program for encryption and decryption using blowfish generated key.

System Security:

EXPERIMENT-1: To study and demonstrate SQL Injection by attacking the Local Database.

EXPERIMENT-2: To study and demonstrate working of virus on virtual operating system.

EXPERIMENT-3: To study and demonstrate password cracking by editing the files of the host a operating system allowing the back door to change the password.

EXPERIMENT-4: To study and demonstarte session hijacking. Example: Attacking the local website.

EXPERIMENT-5: To study and demonstarte DoS in which Backtrack OS will be used to attack a virtual network.

To implement a application based Cryptography algorithms.
Examples: a.) Credit Card Security using encryption. b.) Online Billing System.

Subject Incharge : (Prof. Ansari Mukhtar)
I/C HOD : (Prof. Tabrez Khan)


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