CN LAB [Experiments List]

EXPERIMENT-1.a : Study of following Network Types.
EXPERIMENT-1.b : Study of different types of Network cables and Practically implement the cross-wired cable using clamping tool.

EXPERIMENT-2.a :Study of following Network Topologies.
Bus • Ring • Star • Mesh • Tree • Hybrid
EXPERIMENT-2.b : Study of following Network Devices in Detail
Repeater • Hub • Switch • Bridge • Router • Gate Way

EXPERIMENT-3 :Installation & Configuration of NS2 in Linux environment and building basic LAN topology in NS2.

EXPERIMENT-4: Building Dynamic Routing topology using NS2.

EXPERIMENT-5: Write a program to find out class of a given IP address, subnet mask & first & last IP address of that block.

EXPERIMENT-6: Write a program to build client-server model on different computers.

EXPERIMENT-7: Write a program for Congestion Control using :
                                  a. Stop & Wait protocol.
                                  b. Sliding Window protocol.

EXPERIMENT-8:  a. Write a program for Error Detection using CRC.
                                  b. Write a program for Error Correction using Hamming Code.

EXPERIMENT-9: Study of Network Monitoring Tool: Wireshark.


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