QUESTION BANK FOR JPR [CO5GA and CO5GB] == (2015-16)


1.    Explain thread priority with its method
2.    What do you mean by multiple inheritances? How this is achieved in java?
3.    What is interface? Give its syntax and example.
4.    State various levels of access protection available for packages.
5.    Explain the concept of packages also list different API packages.
6.    WAP to implement the interface as.

7.    WAP to input name and age of a person and throw a user defined exception if entered age is negative.
8.    List any four built in packages from java API along with their use.
9.    Can we use exception as a debugger tool? Justify your answer.
10.                 Explain the life cycle of thread with diagram.
11.                 What is local and remote applet? Explain.
12.                 What is Exception? Also explain the exception handling mechanism.
13.                 Explain applet tag with all its attribute.
14.                 Explain how the parameter is passed through the applet tag with example.
15.                 State the use of font class? Write syntax to create object of font class.
16.                 Explain the life cycle of applet with diagram.
17.                 Differentiate between applet and application.(4 points)
18.                 WAP to define two threads. One thread will print 1 to 10 and other thread will print 10 to 1
19.                 explain the following methods with diagram
              a)    drawString()
              b)    drawRect()
              c)    drawOval()
              d)   drawPolygon()
20.                 WAP to draw a bar chart for plotting students passing percentage in last 5 years.


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