Abdul Razzak Kalsekar Polytechnic,Panvel.
Academic Year 2013-2014

Question Bank - JPR

  1. WAP to print sum of a num.
  2. Describe any two features of Java.
  3. State differnt features of java. Those make if different from C lang.
  4. List different data types in Java.
  5. Explain relational and logical operators in Java.s
  6. Explain why Java is called true object oriented language.
  7. WAP to generate Fibonacci series.
  8. Describe use of Final with respect to Inheritance.
  9. Write all primitive datatypes available in jaava with their storage sizes in bytes.
  10. What is Overriding? Explain method overriding with respect to inheritance.
  11. explain why java is called as true OOP lang
  12. Explain Constructor with example. Also explain the types of constructor.
  13. Explain the concept of JVM with respect to portability feature of Java.
  14. Define a class Employee with data members as empid, name and salar. Accept data for 5 object & display it.
  15. State any four decision making statement along with their syntax
  16. What is Access Specifier ? Explain types of access specifier with their effect.
  17. What is Byte code? Explain any two tools available in JDK
  18. Write a program to calculate & display Area of Circle.
  19. Differentiate between break and continue statement.
  20. Write a program to Calculate Average Sale of Week.
  21. WAP to implement vector class and its method for adding and removing elements.
  22. Describe uses of 'final' with respect to inheritance.
  23. List advantages of vectors over arrays.
  24. Describe following string class method with example:
    I. length () ii. equals () iii. CharAt()
  25. Explain method overloading with suitable example


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